About the Synod

Wessex Synod Strategy

Synod Meeting

The Synod usually meets two to three times a year. Either online or onsite. The onsite meetings tend to be in October, and last from about 10:30-4:30pm. It is broken up with lunch, wriggle breaks and a variety of content. It includes news sharing, workshops, as well as more formal proceedings such as voting on resolutions, accounts and other matters.


  • It’s a public meeting, so anyone can attend;
  • Its voting members are one representative from each church, along with all Ministers of Word and Sacraments and Church Related Community Workers, along with co-opted members;
  • We aim to make our October meeting available online for viewing only where possible.

Next Synod meeting…


Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend a synod meeting?

Synod meetings are public meetings, so anyone can attend! However, only members of Synod will be permitted to speak unless the Moderator (chair) gives permission. Likewise, only members issued with a voting card are permitted to vote.

Will my travel expenses be reimbursed?

If you are a voting member of the Synod Meeting or an invited speaker or guest, your travelling expenses can be claimed back from the Synod Office by filling in an expenses claim form, which will be sent to you ahead of the day.

Observers are not permitted to claim any costs, but you may be able to organise to share transport with a member of Synod from your area.

Meeting venues (churches!) are usually chosen because of their available rooms, convenience of access, and are spread around the synod

Is lunch provided?

Please bring a packed lunch. Tea and Coffee are provided by the host church upon arrival, during lunch, and at the close of our meeting.

This is my first synod, what can I expect?

If this is your first Synod Meeting, don’t worry, you’re amongst friends. The business parts of the meeting are well explained and the Moderator and Clerk guide us through the business. You may find it all confusing at first, but we hope you’ll soon know what’s going on.

Is the venue accessible?

Every effort is made to choose a venue which is fully accessible to those with mobility issues, as well as a loop system and large text PowerPoint screens for those with hearing and sight difficulties. If you have any special requirements to further help you participate fully in our meetings, please contact the Synod Clerk well in advance of the meeting so suitable arrangements can be made, if practicable.

Do I have to vote the way my church wants me to vote?

No! Your church should not be instructing you how to vote on particular matters. As a member of Synod you are a representative of your local church, not a delegate. You should, however, share the views of your local church during the debate if they are relevant to the discussion. But your primary role in the meeting is to hear the views of others, pray, and listen for the leading of the Holy Spirit – in order to discern the best decision for the Synod as a whole, and not only the local church you represent.

How long does a meeting last?

Synod meetings usually begin at 9.45am with arrivals and registration. Tea and coffee will be available. The meeting usually begins at 10:30am with worship. There will be wriggle breaks between sessions and a longer lunch break in the middle to chat and socialise with others. Usually the day concludes around 4.30pm No later, but sometimes earlier!!