Southampton Celebrates Isaac Watts

Southampton Celebrates Isaac Watts

Below is a link to a short video on YouTube about Isaac Watts who was born in Southampton and wrote many famous hymns including “Our God, Our Help in Ages Past” which chimes out of Southampton’s Clock Tower every day. 8 minute video:...
Southampton Celebrates Isaac Watts

350th Anniversary Celebrations for Isaac Watts

Below is a link to a BBC report about a Southampton celebration of Isaac Watts’ 350th birthday. Avenue St Andrew’s and Isaac Watts URCs were both represented in the planning and the celebration itself.
Southampton Celebrates Isaac Watts

Good News Story – Woking Solar Panels

Sun’s energy powers up Sunday services at Woking United Reformed Church Woking URC has achieved its dream of powering their entire building using electricity generated by the sun following the installation of 134 solar roof panels and eight large storage batteries....
Southampton Celebrates Isaac Watts

Good News Story

Cornerstone Hythe BOYS’ BRIGADE – TWO ANNIVERSARIES CELEBRATED   1st Hythe Boys’ Brigade celebrated 60 years of its formation in 2023; “Sure & Steadfast” is the BB motto and that is what they have been. What an achievement! The Brigade at Hythe was instigated by...
Southampton Celebrates Isaac Watts

Good News Story – Gosport St Columba URC

New Children and Family Worker After much prayer Gosport URC decided to engage a Children and families Worker in September 2021 – just as we were coming out of the first Covid restrictions! With a grant and help from Synod – especially Ruth White – we drew up the job...